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about us.JPG

We are a congregation of diverse ages, backgrounds, stories and views (both political and theological) that together are seeking to love God and love our neighbors in Laramie and beyond.  We see our diversity as a sign of the Holy Spirit's many gifts and a strength of our congregation.

In the original Methodist movement, John Wesley sought to unite the diverse aspects of Christian expression - personal piety with social justice, critical thinking with heart-centered devotion - into a full and vibrant faith.  As a congregation, we bring this tradition with us into a 21st century context.

We see our church as one community of faith cooperating with many others (both United Methodist and ecumenically) in the work of God's Kingdom in Laramie and across the world to spread the good news of God's saving love through Jesus Christ.

what we believe.JPG
  • Triune God.  God is one God in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  • Scripture.   The writings in the Old Testament and New Testament are the inspired word of God.

  • Sin.  While human beings were intended to bear the image of God, all humans are sinners from whom that image is distorted.  Sin estranges us from God and corrupts human nature such that we cannot heal or save ourselves.

  • Salvation through Jesus Christ.  God's redeeming love is active to save sinners through Jesus's incarnate life and teachings, through His atoning death, His resurrection, His sovereign presence through history, and His promised return.

  • Sanctification.  The grace of sanctification draws one toward the gift of Christian perfection, which Wesley described as a heart "habitually filled with the love of God and neighbor" and as "having the mind of Christ and walking as He walked."

  • Sacraments.  The UMC recognizes two sacraments: Holy Baptism and Holy Communion.  Other rites such as Confirmation, Ordination, Holy Matrimony, Funerals, and Anointing of the sick are performed but are not considered sacraments.  In Holy Baptism, the Church believes that "Baptism is not only a sign of profession and mark of difference whereby Christians are distinguished from others that are not baptized; but it is also a sign of regeneration or the new birth.  It believes that Baptism is a sacrament in which God initiates a covenant with individuals, people become a part of the church, is not to be repeated, and is a means of grace.  The United Methodist Church generally practices Baptism by sprinkling, pouring, or immersion and recognizes Trinitarian formula baptisms from other Christian denominations.  The United Methodist Church affirms the real presence of Christ in Holy Communion, but does not hold to transubstantiation.  The church believes that the bread is an effectual sign of His body crucified on the cross and the cup is an effectual sign of His blood shed for humanity.  Through the outward and visible signs of bread and wine, the inward and spiritual reality of the Body and Blood of Christ are offered to believers.  The church holds that the celebration of the Eucharist is an anamnesis of Jesus's death, and believes the sacrament to be a means of grace, and practices open communion.

  • Free will.  The UMC believes that people, while corrupted by sin, are free to make their own choices because of God's divine grace enabling them, and that people are truly accountable before God for their choices.

  • Grace.  The UMC believes that God Gives unmerited favor freely to all people, though it may be resisted.

Reverend Pastor

Eric Feuerstein


Born in Greeley, he graduated with a bachelor's degree in political science in 1983 from Colorado State College in Fort Collins, where he met and married Robbie after his graduation.

After college, Feuerstein worked for Macy's Department Store for 18 years, which started as the Denver Dry Goods store before he transferred to Arizona with Goldwaters, which later became Robinson's May. He then transferred back to Colorado with May D&F. While working as a store manager, he attended the Berthoud United Methodist Church, where his wife was a member in her childhood. He taught Sunday school, worked with the youth group and read the scriptures during worship service.

"I was taking a lay speaking class to learn more about reading scriptures in church," Feuerstein said. "It was at the lay speaking class I got my call (to become a pastor)."

But he didn't accept it at first.

"I tried to run away from my call for about two years," Feuerstein said. "God kept after me (and) I finally answered."

"I liked it," he said. "It confirmed my call."

So he quit his job and went back to school full time at the same seminary, where he earned a master's degree in divinity in 2006. During college, he worked as a student pastor at Evans United Methodist Church before becoming a full-time minister at his first church in Springfield, where he remained for six years.

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